How do leaders find calm and caring in crisis? Legendary leaders are universal students even though Winston Churchill said, "I'm always ready to learn, although I don't always like being taught."
Still, he always watched how others fielded crises. Churchill would never say, "I can't learn from a conductor because I'm not a musician." or, "I can't learn from sports. I hate sports."
Joe & John
A comical learning occurred at Superbowl XIII when iconic quarterback Joe Montana, using five words only heard by ten men, suddenly made famous comedian John Candy a team member!
January 22, 1989. Cincinnatti Bengals versus San Francisco 49ers (a fellow Ohioan gave me tickets.)
3:10 to go. Bengals up 16-13. 49ers have possession but on their own 8-yard line.
A 49er said later, "Unbearable tension...92 yards to pay dirt? Impossible...Then Joe entered the huddle."
Stop! What would you say?
- "Stay calm."
- "Here's the play."
- "Don't panic."
Instead, Joe pointed to the crowd. "Hey, isn't that John Candy?"
It worked. He knew his players were scared and how to settle them. With 39 seconds left, he fired the victory pass.
Forever after, Montana was known as, "Joe Cool," underscored when Bengal's opponent Chris Collinsworth reported, "At the 45 yard line I saw Joe's eyes. I knew we were finished."
The eyes.
Ten years later I re-learned the power of calm eyes. Baptist Hospital System's accountants delivered a fear-triggering shock shortly after I became CEO. I had been told the bottom line would be 10 million. The hidden truth was a $73 million loss! Bankruptcy was imminent.
"Are you okay?" Chief Operating Officer Paul Moore asked me mid-crisis.
"Yes. Why?"
"Some employees told me, 'We saw Mr. Chapman walking through the cafeteria looking worried."
Darn it! Other expressions besides panic can signal trouble.Leaders never have the luxury of showing fear or worry.
The great news? A record-breaking turnaround. That story later.
-Erie Chapman
*This story will reappear in my forthcoming book currently titled, After the Lightning - Stories of Crisis Leadership
**Photo: Joe Montana and John Candy (Outkick)