I was listening to one of Tara Brach’s podcasts on cultivating gratitude this morning. I would like to share just a few pearls in what I heard. "There is an oft-quoted Taoist saying that every human life contains 10,000 joys and 10,000 sorrows." It's human to suffer, to struggle with painful emotions like sadness, loneliness or anxiety. But it's also inherently human to experience positive feelings like joy, happiness and love.
Brach shared this story told by a Great American historian journalist author James Agee. He recounts an experience during the Great Depression. He found the impoverished elderly woman in the hollows of Appalachia, and she was living in this tiny shack with dirt floors and no heat and no plumbing. So, he asked her, “What would you do if someone came along and gave you some money to help you out?” She was rocking in her chair and shook her head, and she said, “Well I guess I'd give it to the poor.”
Brach offers this epiphany, “What’s so striking about this story is that within it is one of the greatest of the spiritual teachings- the teachings of awakening- which is for true happiness. It's not about what's happening but how we are relating to it. So, we can be in any state but whether or not we're happy, whether or not we're feeling our hearts are open, it's going to depend on how we're relating to what's happening.”
It seems like the people who have the least are often the most generous, sharing what little they have and helping each other.
As we enter into this Holy season that is often filled with lots of activity. It is wise to be intentional about taking care not to get so caught up in the busyness that we miss the beauty, mystery and goodness that's available every day. Mindfulness practices can help keep us grounded and aware.
I enjoy taking my dog for walks in the neighborhood a couple times each day, He has become so accustomed to our walks that he comes and expectantly waits for me to stop working and get going. It is good for both of us and I find myself increasingly grateful for the nudges that he gives me, our companionship and experiencing and enjoying fresh air, sunshine and beautiful cloud formations depending on the day. An additional benefit is that I am feeling more at home in the nieghborhood, saying hi to people I've never met and engaging in waves, greetings and smiles. It has been lifting my spirit. The two St bernard dogs Abbie and Pugsly are huge furry teddy bears who love for us to stop and pet them. Chance would rather keep on going but he patiently standsby or gives a little yank on the leash to give me a cue.
With gratitude,
Artwork by ~liz