The moment Shirley entered Hartford Hospital's ER in August, 1994, she flatlined. The team did their drill. Nothing.
They repeated the process and were about to surrender when the patient revived.
"I floated up and saw your team working on me," Shirley reported. "A doctor wearing a brown cardigan came in."
"You're right," a nurse said. "We hear those stories often."
"But, I floated above the hospital (a 10-story building), the patient continued, "There's a red tennis shoe on the roof."
When security unlocked the roof door there it was. Not a pair of red tennis shoes. Just one.
Scientists regularly study these Near-Death Experiences (NDE's)
In Proof of Heaven (2012) neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander describes his NDE after contracting meningitis and entering a 7-day coma. His coma's length allowed deeper travels through the death experience including an angel-like orb of light who mediated with a higher power he interpreted as God.
Alexander had no neocortex function. He was "brain-dead." Was it time to discontinue life support?
“During my coma my brain wasn’t working improperly,” Alexander writes. “It wasn’t working at all.”
Later, he reached a shattering conclusion: post death thoughts exist separate from our brain.*
Dr. Alexander's credentials are impeccable as his best selling story. Yet, he drew the usual firestorm of critics.
But cynics have never been able to answer how some patients (e.g. the "red shoe" women) see things they could not know!
A recent LA accident victim recovered from his coma and asked ER staff for his briefcase.
"It's gone," they said.
"No. It's halfway down the hill near my crash," he reported. And so it was.
There will always be skeptics. I am one who believes something Alexander and numerous others confirm: In the afterlife love reigns supreme.
-Erie Chapman
*A massive number of credible NDE stories exist - many from doctors. Robin Kelly, M.D, writes “Our brain may not be the seat of consciousness, but merely a vessel through which consciousness is realized.” After his NDE (2020), orthopedic surgeon Tony Cicoria, M.D. reported: "I was able to verify details of my near-death and out-of-body experience that I would have no conceivable way of knowing except through conscious travel of my spiritual self outside of my body."
Photo "Afterlife Angel" ©Erie Chapman 2024