Better than a thousand meaningless statements
Is one meaningful word,
Which having been heard
Brings peace.
Better than a thousand meaningless verses
Is one meaningful line of verse
Which having been heard,
Brings peace.
Better than a thousand meaningless verses
Is one meaningful line from the Path of Wisdom
Which having been heard,
Brings peace.
Greater in competition
Than a person who overcomes
A thousand times a thousand people
Is the person who overcomes self.
Certainly, the better success is in the struggle with the self
Than in a struggle with others.
For someone who is mindfully self-directed
And always lives with relaxed self-control,
Neither heavenly nor hellish spirit,
Nor the powers of force of evil
Could turn such success into defeat.
Adapted from the Dhammapada, Canto 8 (verses 100-103)
Last week when I was searching for some workshop materials that I have not had need of in a long time, I came across this passage from sacred text. I had not seen it in years but discovered it as I was mining through my treasured pages. I placed it in a safe place for easy access for this week’s Journal entry.
As I continued sifting through papers, poems and mandala artwork it was like getting reacquainted with a part of myself that I’ve not spent much time with of late. As I began typing “Thousands” to share with you I realize that it is just what I needed to read and reflect upon. May it bring you peace.
“May all sentient beings be well.” “May all sentient beings be happy.” “May all sentient beings be free from suffering.”
May all sentient beings know peace in their heart.
Liz Sorensen Wessel
Mandala Art By Liz