"Don't Squander Summer!"
The above words come to mind, spoken by a wonderful mentor. Another friend say’s, “this will be my best summer ever!, my best Christmas", etc. as it is how she lives her life. Someone who lives with intentionality to experience every day as a gift. Perhaps, this is can be attributed to having dedicated her life work to hospice care. In caring for people who were dying she learned a great deal about living from them.
Life is a both/and as Richard Rohr offers “everything belongs.” The bright summer days and the cold winter nights. We look outside ourselves for acceptance, belonging, love, forgiveness and yet all spiritual paths point to the inward journey.
Ah, but summer beckons to us into this season of blossoming, gentle breezes, and a return to the carefree days of our youth. What stirs within you? Hopefully some fond memories but regardless we have opportunities to create anew.
As Richard reminds us, everything belongs, the pain of loss and the blessings of new life. Whatever comes, rather than resist, avoid, or fight it we can choose another way. Tara Brach offers this simple but helpful practice of RAIN. When a distressing situation arises, Recognize the uncomfortable feeling, Allow it to be present, then be curious and Investigate a bit more about what you are feeling, to offer kindness, compassion and Nurturance to what is in need of care and attention, rather than self judgement. In this way we can allow the cloud to pass on through us instead of getting stuck inside, we let it go.
This is one way we can tend our inner garden for our well-being so that we can experience little moments of peace and as little frustrations arise bless rather than curse them. Accept that this too belongs and we can learn from whatever comes our way.
May you experience simple moments to delight your spirit and the gifts to be found in the unexpected challenges that undoubtedly will arise.
Prayer of Awareness
golden light
fresh from the source.
creation’s colours
calling our senses.
Life in its oneness
life in all its manifold oneness
all from You.
You are the Sun
from whom the morning shines
You are the River in whom each life-form flows
each face
each race
each cell within our ever-living soul.
This new day we greet You.
by John Philip Newell
I hope you enjoy the gifts to be discovered in summer!
Shared by Liz Sorensen Wessel
Artwork by ~liz