"Hey Erie, why don't you start a weblog?" The question came from Rollie Mains, a friend and former colleague at the Baptist Healing Trust. It was spring, 2006.
"What's a weblog?" I asked. We forget how uncommon a "blog" was back then.
On June 7, 2006, the "blog" appeared with an announcement and my first column, "A Mountain Lake Experience." Since then, over 250,000 of what are called "specific visitors"* (versus "page views) have come to the Journal of Sacred Work to read the over 2500 columns posted.
Over 12,000 comments have been posted. Who was among the very first three visitors? You guessed it. Liz Wessel! My dear co-writer, who will hopefully continue to write and edit the Journal when I am no longer able to do so, became regular weekend columnist and has contributed eloquently and artistically to the energy and quality of the foundation's enterprise.
And other guest contributors have helped us including Dr. Terry Chapman, spoken word artist Minton Sparks, and former Alive Hospice Sr. VP Karen York and former Healing Trust leader Cathy Self. Thank you.
When I left BHT (now The Healing Trust), the blog and all of our Radical Loving Care materials to Erie Chapman Foundation. It resides there today and will hopefully continue in perpetuity.
Most readers, we hope, have found in the Journal what we seek to offer, support for caregivers around the world. In any case, THANK YOU, to all 250,000 of you!
Live Love Not Fear,
-Erie Chapman
*specific visitors denotes individual readers who have come to the Journal.