"Wish the good old days could have lasted forever," dear friend Dr. Nick Baird texted me after watching "Acts of Caring" on the new foundation YouTube channel (600 site views in 7 days). To go directly to "Acts of Caring" (click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLYPoFrf5qM
Aging means memories matter more. Memorial Day demonstrates that every hospital needs a Facebook site like RMH Alum. But any hospital veteran can connect with the loving care portrayed in Jeff Kramer's BRILLIANT documentary.
The new YouTube site is drawing a crowd because it offers a feast to those who hunger for and wonder about what Radical Loving Care® looked like at Riverside Methodist (1983-1995) and Baptist Hospitals (1998-2002.) Such care is threatened with extinction unless current leaders nurture it!
Maria Popova captures our cravings in the opening of today's spectacular weblog The Marginalian: "The hardest thing in life isn’t getting what we want, isn’t even knowing what we want, but knowing what to want. We think we want connection, but as soon as contact reaches deeper than the skin of being, we recoil with the terror of vulnerability. There is no place more difficult to show up than where marrow meets marrow. And yet that is the only place where two people earn the right to use the word “love.”
I claim love for the caregiver relationships across the past 48 years. As Dr. Baird said at the end of his text: "Thank God for our days in the sun."
-Erie Chapman
Screenshot - Erie with cardiac nurse Renee Speelman from "Acts of Caring"