[NOTE: Last week's widely-read stories of Riverside Methodist Hospital's travels from tragedies to triumphs will continue with Part III on Monday.]
Your Life Mission Part II - by Dr. Terry Chapman
So you have identified a unique skill or attribute of yours better known as a God given Gift. You work for a city government as an accountant but how use this as your mission or lay ministry?
Could this financial ability be used in your caregiver role with your aging parents? Could you improve their quality of life by helping them better budget their fixed income? Or could you help your community social agencies as a board member?
And what if your gift is merely making people feel comfortable in your home?
Why not offer your home to host political meetings, religious events, or family reunions? Only few have this important ability!
Ok, you are good at cooking and organizing. Why not offer these gifts to your church's members at holidays whenever potlucks are scheduled? They will appreciate your skills!
Always remember that every person is gifted. Balance your paid work with volunteer missions to help others while enriching your life at the same time!
Terry Chapman, PhD