It was a natural reaction from Trump's enemies to the news he had tested positive for COVID 19: "Serves him right," one said. "Is it okay for me to say I'm ecstatic?" another asked.
Since human nature drives us to fight perceived enemies is it not okay for us to rejoice when they suffer?
The Radical Loving Care philosophy tracks Jesus' command to "pray for our enemies..." It is the Christian Messiah's toughest command. Yet, to claim belief in God as Love means accepting Love's challenge that we transcend our baser instincts: That we reject revenge & choose forgiveness. What a crucial teaching for caregivers.
Enter Kristin Urquiza (pictured) whose father died this summer from Covid. ““My dad was a healthy 65-year-old,” she said. “His only pre-existing condition was trusting Donald Trump — and for that he paid with his life."
What if Ms. Urquiza was a professional caregiver assigned to Mr. Trump? Professionalism calls her to give her best. Beneath that, could hatred impact her ability to deliver the healing called for by Radical Loving Care?
Every hospital, especially those offering care beneath the cross, promises every patient the best. We know that mission is violated every day by well-meaning caregivers that find Radical Loving Care too hard.
It is hard. Perhaps more difficult than practicing curative medicine. And it is the calling of all who claim the title of caregiver.
Rev. Erie Chapman
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