Note: Guest Reflection by Chris Falley, esteemed colleague and friend.
I sit here, with the most gorgeous sunset coming through the window in my office as I reflect on the day. It seems the earth has a rhythm in which she remembers after those moments of energy and busy-ness, it’s time for peaceful, beautiful, reflection.
One of the greatest gifts we can give another person is to listen to them. Listening is truly an art and an act of love. When others are speaking, it requires that they have our full attention so that we listen not just to the spoken words, but to the unspoken message as well. When we feel listened to, really heard, we feel cared for, valued and like we matter. We matter to one another here ~ not a single one of us could do our work in the community without the others on our teams, both locally and throughout the healthcare system as we expand and create our larger “team.” And to listen we must let go of the busy-ness and settle in; and maybe some of our assumptions.
In addition to really listening to one another, it is important that we listen to our inner self as well. It is said there are three inner “whispers” that deserve our attention: First are the whispers of the body. The more “in our head” we are, the more we tend to ignore the whispers of our bodies, and forget the care it needs. Second, there are whispers of the heart – of all the people we love and who love us. Those whispers that sustain us and guide us and often provide us our true north. Third, there are whispers of the spirit – quiet whispers that comfort, heal, inspire and often sustain us during some of our most difficult times. When we ignore these whispers, our lives are diminished.
Hopefully today you were able to be still for a begin to listen, really Listen.
How “still” are you right now? Are you able to hear the whispers of your body, your heart, your spirit? Did you recognize the human spirit in the last person you were listening to?
Written by Chris Falley