"The ark of peace is entered two by two." A Course in Miracles
It is easy to turn away from a stranger, the unknown other, from the faceless in a crowded sea of otherness. We may feel guarded, fearful or threatened that the other is out to do us harm or that they may want to steal what is ours.
Yet, if we meet someone and have the opportunity to look into their face, glimpse the light in their eyes and the hopefulness of their smile, perhaps shake their hand and connect on a personal level, energy shifts and our heart naturally begins to soften.
When we listen and learn about a person’s story and life experience and bear witness to their suffering, our own humanness is reflected back to us. Suddenly, we recognize them! Compassion for the person before us is compassion for ourselves. When we close the door of our heart to another we close the door on ourselves and we suffer. When our heart expands towards another to see their goodness we receive the gift of Love.
"The ark of peace is entered two by two."
Shared by Liz Sorensen Wessel
Watercolor by ~liz