"It is easy to turn away from a stranger, the unknown other, from the faceless in a crowded sea of otherness." - Liz Wessel
In her weekend essay (& exceptional painting) Liz Wessel answered a question that I also address here: What can we do to transform the "sea of otherness" into a land of oneness?
Today, millions watch children huddled in a cave in Thailand & pray for their safety. Others glance at the same group, see "otherness," & decide they are not worth prayers.
Every day & night, caregivers are called to care for "strangers." For true healers, their is no "otherness."
Many learned of thousands of children separated from their parents by order of our American President & labeled the innocents "a bunch of illegals." Others, including the present First Lady & her four predecessors, condemned this kidnapping.
The line on the screen above is wrong, one of many lies told to innocent people by government agents. American law does NOT require separating children from parents who may have immigrated illegally. This was an arbitrary decision by President Trump proven by his equally arbitrary decision to unwind it.
Another lie came from some officials (remember how Nazi's spoke to Jews) who conned parents into releasing children by saying, "We're just taking them for a bath" & then not returning them.
The President relented, not from love but from political expediency. He changed his order because, as he said at a ludicrous signing ceremony, "I didn't like the sight or the feeling of families being separated."
Apparently, Trump did not mind causing suffering, he just did not want to see it. Prior Presidents may have acted similarly. Thousands of Iraqi children suffered after W. Bush bombed Bagdad. He can at least claim he was blinded by false information & has a heart.
Trump lacks one & thus suffers a disability (do some supporters also?) Consider his comments attacking George H.W. Bush. "What was it with [H.W's] thousand points of light," he jeered to a Montana crowd recently, "I never quite got that."
Lacking a heart, Trump could not understand. Those "points" represented compassion.
We think we are a country of oneness, not otherness. Our Statue of Liberty poem (by Emma Lazarus) says, "“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
We help those "yearning to breathe free" - especially children, right? That is who we have been. That is whom we may be once again. That is not who America is right now.
Trump's cruel degradation of those swimming in the "crowded sea of otherness" has snuffed Liberty's light & rendered us unable to claim that we are a nation of loving caregivers for terrorized children.
Can we relight "the lamp beside the golden door"?
-Reverend Erie Chapman