Icons of Mother Mary adorn the improvised alters in many a home, be it a hearth’s mantle, a bedroom nightstand, or a living room wall. She gathers all the hopefulness of our prayers into her soft being and responds with peace.
Mary, constant in her quiet presence listens to our concerns and intercedes on our behalf. She is steadfast in her love, offering many small acts of caring; whether to wipe away a tear, share a kind word of acceptance or patience for our healing.
There is still a light that shines on me,
Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be,
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
By Paul McCarthy
Is it no wonder that we love her so? My mom, has fondly shared through the years, that our grandma prayed to Mother Mary because she always answered.
This weekend, some of us may have the good fortune to be able to gather with our own mothers to express our Love and gratitude. Perhaps, you will sit and hold her fragile hand, even though she may not recognize you. Still others will honor the memory of one so dear in the stillness of your hearts. Conceivably, you have welcomed other women (and men) into your life who bestow this kind of love and nurturance.
Our Divine Mother comes to us in the most surprising ways; cloaked in her glorious mystery. Yet, if we pay attention, she will reveal a vision of Holiness that is without sacrifice or payment of any kind. She shines our purpose, which is to see the world through the Holiness of our essence. In quiet recognition, we begin to see that all that is given is received and nothing can be given away without receiving it in return. In this light our relationship with all of life, takes on new life.
The following is a blessing for all on this Mother’s Day!
Liz Sorensen Wessel
Watercolor by ~liz