Love costs all we are and will ever be
But it is only love that will set us free
-Maya Angelou (photo, left)
There is a question taped to the edge of my computer screen at work. The question is: How does Love find expression in this world? Each of the seven commentators who posted in last Friday's Forum have expressed a part of the face of Love in the way they look at the world.
It is remarkable to me that if this site were presented as a credible way to find gold, millions would come to it. Instead, the search for Love remains a rare and solitary pursuit. One that is undervalued by so many of the world's six billion souls....
Thus, on average, fewer than a hundred people visit this site each day to engage in the most important search there is: The quest for true Love.
But perhaps we are not offering enough here. Perhaps this effort is not casting enough light across the pathway between us and the pot of Love at the end of the rainbow.
During our earthly journey, we will have many glimpses of the face of Love. She is, in fact, always present. The question is never whether Love is near, but whether we know how to listen for her voice.
As you travel this day and this week, watch for the face of Love. Simply by posing the question of Love to yourself, you will immediately find a glimpse of her as she smiles in the morning sunlight, takes the hand of a suffering patient, administers the balm of relief to someone in pain, shines out at you from a painting, a poem, a photograph, a dance, or in a song.
Love offers her presence to anyone seeking to know that their existence in this world matters.
The face of Love is the face of Beauty. The face of Love is the hand of kindness. The face of Love is present whenever we quiet our hearts enough so that they fall open to her gorgeous light.
As Angelou tells us through her poetry, her resonant voice, her life, and through her own beautiful face, we are only released through Love. We are prisoners of this life except to the degree we live Love and, through this, are freed to touch the hem of God.
-Erie Chapman