The most important things we believe are mystical, miraculous & invisible. What matters most cannot be seen. -Erie Chapman
It is the heart of truth. God, Love, is what matters most. God, by definition, is invisible.
This truth shakes contemporary notions of what is important. After all, we live in a world where business and technology are kings and the computer is queen. Science disdains what cannot be proved.
This is the centerpiece thought of the Age of Reason, the time of Descartes (see his image, left, on money) and the other great rationalists who sought to free humankind from the grip of the Catholic hierarchy of the time. It was the 15th and 16th centuries when thinkers rose up to challenge the overweening power of the church. That age has ruled for at least four centuries.
But our generation is evolving toward a new truth. In this new truth we discover what all true caregivers know: Love is what matters. And Love cannot be measured in cubic centimeters or milligrams...